- Blue series
- Blue word lists
Blue word lists
Blue word lists
This set contains 5 word lists that each follow one blend pattern for example 'el' or a blue level theme such as schwa vowels or compound words. Each strip has a picture 'clue' at the top and is laminated and printed on blue paper, printed in Sassoon Infant font in size 36. Each strip measures approximately 7 x 30 cm. Please choose Sassoon Joined from the font options if you would like your letters to be joined up on your word lists (see example photo).
This set contains 5 word lists that each follow one blend pattern for example 'el' or a blue level theme such as schwa vowels or compound words. Each strip has a picture 'clue' at the top and is laminated and printed on blue paper, printed in Sassoon Infant font in size 36. Each strip measures approximately 7 x 30 cm. Please choose Sassoon Joined from the font options if you would like your letters to be joined up on your word lists (see example photo).